5MM Combo Clips for LED M5/M6 Wire Frame Lights
$4.49 – $15.99
Views: 3046
This size will fit on our M5/M6 LED Mini Lights.
Approximately 1/2″ – 5/8″ will be over the socket.
All combo clips fit 1/4″ wire frames.
NOTE – If your wire frames have a lot of detail in them, we suggest that you use the 5MM Combo Clips with the M5/M6 light strings.
If your frames are large with little detail, use the longer M5, M6 or Incandescent Combo Clips. There is also nothing wrong with mixing sizes of combo clips on the same frame.
When using the combo clips, you will need 6 clips per foot of wire frame. That’s putting them on tip to end so there is not any space between the lights.
We realize that you may have your own LED light strings you would like to use. We have put together sample packs of the combo clips to help you figure out which size would work on your lights. With the sample pack, you will receive one of each color and 4 or 5 of each size. You will not only be able to find the correct size for your lights but get a first hand look at the colors we have to offer. The cost for the sample pack is $6.50 which includes shipping anywhere in the US.
Click Here to Order your sample pack
Helpful Tips –
If you use use the M5/M6 or Incandescent combo clips you will need about 5 clips per 12″ of wire frame.
If you use the shorter 5MM clips you will need 6 clips per 12″ of wire frame.
Keep in mind, if you are working on small frames with any detail you should use the 5MM comb clips since they are shorter then the others and do fit the M5/M6 LED lights as well.
If your working on large frames use the longer combo clips
(M5, M6 & Incandescent) and you can still use the 5MM in
detailed area’s. Don’t be afraid to mix sizes on the same frame.
Most people will not notice and it by no means looks wrong.
If you are purchasing 100’s or 1000’s of individual colors of the combo clips they will be sent to you in either 500 or 700 count bags. They will be marked and labeled with contents.
*NOTE* The sizes of Combo Clips (colored caps) we stock are proprietary to Christmas-LEDs.com If you have lit wire frames from another source, please do not assume that our combo clips will fit on another sources lights. If you are a beginner at this, I highly recommend that you purchase a combo clip sample pack for $6.00 and test before you order quantities of lights or combo clips. It will save you time, money and frustration by not having to return items simply because they look the same in a picture you seen online or judging from a frame you may already have.